Instead of Norton resigning from his job he resigned from his life. I say this because the films version of Warden Norton getting arrested is more dramatic, exciting, and it just puts the “redemption” in the title The Shawshank Redemption. In, my opinion, the short story version just came up short of a great part in the story. Since, Norton was caught he just resigned from his job as warden of the prison, and goes with the police. In the film, Andy mails the evidence of the Warden Norton’s crimes to the police and then travels to Mexico. How the vengeance of Andy plays out between the film and novella is different also. In the film he is an essential character, in which the end he is arrested for being a part of the crimes, but in the short story he doesn’t do anything significant, and he has a heart attack and retires in the middle of the story. Although, in the film Warden Samuel Norton is the person behind the crimes and business, which later gives Andy the reason to seek vengeance on Warden Norton. The short story has Greg Stammas forcing Andy to start an accountant business and run his illegal business of feeding all the money from the prison into his bank account. In the short story, instead of one warden there are three, Warden George Dunahy, Greg Stammas, and Samuel Norton. He is a reason “Redemption” is in the title, and he isn’t even a big character in the short story. Norton in the films is one of the main characters and affects the plot immensely. In the film there is one warden, Warden Norton. The biggest differences in characters are the wardens of the prison. There were a lot of differences in characters actions. Like many film adaptations, there were more differences, than similarities. The film doesn’t really change any events, and it doesn’t take out any events. It happens that the film has every scene that happens in the short story. The director of the film, Frank Darabont obviously didn’t want to leave anything out, and he surely didn’t. The escape is done in the same precise order and way in both the novella and film. Another example is the escape from prison. For example, the court case of Andy Dufresne was exactly the same almost word for word and in the same order. All the main events of the story happened the same way at the same time in both versions. This took me by surprise because some of the dialogue in the short story was very graphic, inappropriate, and distasteful, and that in a film can turn people away. The biggest similarity was that the dialogue between both the novella and film were for most the time identical.

Surprisingly, there were more similarities between the novella and the film then I expected. The book and novella still have their differences but there similarities stand out. A lot of book adaptations usually have more differences than similarities, but The Shawshank Redemption is completely the opposite.

To be set free you must have something to believe in, to hope for, and you must not ever lose the hope or you’ve lost your purpose in moving on in life. When life kicks you down hope will raise you up. Hope can set you free.” The story of The Shawshank Redemption is all about hope and holding on to it.